Genebase Paternity Test

Genebase  describes their Paternity DNA Test; there are two possible outcomes in a DNA paternity test: 1. Paternity Exclusion. A paternity exclusion indicates that the tested man is not the true biological father of the child. A report which states a paternity exclusion will show a minimum of two exclusions at two different genetic loci. When a paternity exclusion is indicated, the probability of paternity is 0%. 2. Paternity Inclusion. If the report states that the tested man is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child, a combined paternity index is indicated. A combined paternity index of greater than 100 is accepted to establish 99.0% probability of paternity. An index greater than 1000 indicates that the probability of paternity is greater than 99.9%.

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Genebase paternity DNA Test
From $99
Genebase Paternity Test

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