Alpha Biolabs – Aunt and Uncle Testing


Due to the nature of the Aunt and Uncle DNA Test, they ask that the alleged aunt or uncle who has a claimed biological link to the child should be tested along with the child and their mother (or father, if the aunt/uncle is related to the child through the mother) to provide you with the most accurate result.
You can be sure of premium-level service as AlphaBiolabs is a UKAS ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory, meaning that all our testing is independently checked to ensure accuracy and quality of our service.

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Alpha Biolabs - Aunt and Uncle Testing
Due to the nature of the Aunt and Uncle DNA Test, they ask that the alleged aunt or uncle who has a claimed biological link to the child should be tested along with the child and their mother (or father, if the aunt/uncle is related to the child through the mother) to provide you with the most accurate result.
From £99

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6 Total Score
6 reviews
Alpha Biolabs - Aunt and Uncle Testing

Due to the nature of the Aunt and Uncle DNA Test, they ask that the alleged aunt or uncle who has a claimed biological link to the child should be tested along with the child and their mother (or father, if the aunt/uncle is related to the child through the mother) to provide you with the most accurate result.

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